25th Telethon - Aubas
A substantial part of the Telethon held in December 2011 in Aubas and neighbouring
villages was staged at the Château de Sauvebœuf, which Claude and Florence Douce,
eminent patrons of this noble cause, made available to the charity workers. After
a bridge tournament, a talk by Gonzague Saint Bris on his recent biography of Balzac
and a harp and guitar recital by the “Fingers Crossed” ensemble, came a splendid
feast, like those we read about in Balzac’s novels, prepared by chef Eric Boyard
and his ‘Il pleut dans ma bouche” kitchen brigade, assisted for the occasion by
the “Aubas’Tringue” troupe of actors. A feast and a feat that transported the kitchens
and the banqueting hall to the age of the great Flemish masters. A heavenly meal
with a very special treat in store, as you’ll see in Ferrassie TV’s coverage of
this special event organised to raise funds for the A.F.M., Association Française
contre les Myopathies.
All year round you can
donate funds for the telethon.

Patrick Magnée, President of the association
« En Quatre pour l'Espoir » and Florence Douce,
patron of the Telethon.

Chef Eric Boyard and his troupe
« Il pleut dans ma bouche » using their culinary and theatrical skills to help the Telethon